When this is impossible, notifications are sent via the serious event stream and, optionally, via e-mail. 无法进行此操作时,将通过严重事件流(还可以选择通过电子邮件)发送通知。
Being even now only a young woman of twenty, one who mentally and sentimentally had not finished growing, it was impossible that any event should have left upon her an impression that was not in time capable of transmutation. 即使现在她也只是一个二十岁的青年女子,她的思想和情感还在发展变化,因此任何事件给她留下的印象,就不可能经久不变。
It is impossible for us to keep silence on such an event. 我们不可能对此事默不作声。
Design flaws in CORBA's interoperability protocol make it pretty much impossible to build a high-performance event distribution service. CORBA互操作协议的设计缺陷使得它不可能建立一个高性能的分布式服务。
Explanation on Why Zero-Probability Event May Not Be Impossible Event; 对为什么概率为0的事件不一定是不可能事件的解释事情发生的概率为零。
Due to lack of historical data, it's impossible to calculate the possibilities of event sequences of submarine reactor accident quantitatively. 对船用堆事故进行事件树分析时,历史数据的缺乏常常导致无法进行事件序列的定量计算。
Study the impossible relation between ENSO event and Eurasia snow anomaly. 研究了ENSO事件与欧亚冬季积雪异常之间的可能相互关系。